Episode 6: Special Inauguration Edition GUEST INTERVIEW, JANUARYBlue Dot Harrison CountyJanuary 30, 2021KENT YEAGERComment
Episode 5: BLM in Harrison County GUEST INTERVIEW, JANUARYBlue Dot Harrison CountyJanuary 30, 2021GLYNN AYERS, LEANDRA AYERSComment
Episode 4: Bye bye 2020, Hello 2021 NEWS GRAB BAG, JANUARYBlue Dot Harrison CountyJanuary 30, 2021Comment
Episode 3: COVID-19 in Harrison County GUEST INTERVIEW, JANUARYBlue Dot Harrison CountyJanuary 30, 2021RIC ARCHIBALD, SARAH BLESSINGComment
Episode 2: Where we get our news NEWS GRAB BAG, JANUARYBlue Dot Harrison CountyJanuary 30, 2021Comment
Episode 1: Welcome to the Blue Dot NEWS GRAB BAG, JANUARYBlue Dot Harrison CountyJanuary 30, 2021Comment