Harrison County Council Meeting 03-08-21
Jon Stepro - Harrison County Maintenance Department - 4:45
An update on recent work including a fuel tank at the Government Center
this project will most likely come in lower than the original $35,000 estimate
Two additional requests for equipment repair for aging equipment that is failing including garage doors --- $50,000
Building repairs needed to cover a myriad of things that have accumulated --- $50,000
Stepro reiterated that it is very difficult to put a number on his original budget request.
Otto Schalk - Harrison County Prosecutor’s Office - 18:20
Requesting additional funds to aid in a trial that has been delayed for covid. Requested these funds previously.
Nick Smith -- Harrison County Sheriff’s Department -- 20minutes
32 policemen for all of Harrison County, which is .8 officers for every 1000 people. The national average is 3 officers for every 1000
Harrison County has one police department for 485 square miles compared to Floyd County, which has 2 departments for 145 square miles.
The sheriff’s department is asking for 4 additional police officers.
No additional vehicles being requested.
4 new body camera systems which are leased through a service
$8320.00 increase per year for camera systems in addition to the cost of officers’ salary, etc.
$252,000 for EMS / additional ambulance
Approved 7-0