Council denies pay raise for animal control employee + some context on the New Salisbury sewer project...
Graylin Porter - Reporter
Monday's county council meeting provided some more information regarding the sewer project in New Salisbury.
This is an issue with a long history and Richard Gettelfinger gave an excellent presentation that puts it all into context. To better understand what's happening, skip to 1hr, 6mins into the video. In addition to the sewer project, there were additional requests from the Highway Department, the Parks Department, and Harrison County Assessor.
Also, the council voted 5-1 to deny a request from Harrison County Animal Control, Corydon Indiana to increase pay for one of their part-time employees
This increase would result in $1890 total. A fraction of the recent requests approved by the council in previous months by other departments. Councilwoman Holli Castetter insisted that these increases should be addressed at budget time. Last summer when the council constructed the 2021 budget, April Breeden (director of HCAC), made it clear that her employees needed pay increases and nothing was done.
To quote Castetter, she would "hate to open this can of worms."
To see this vote, skip to 1hr37min into the meeting video.
Councilman Richard Gerdon did not vote in favor of denying. Castetter, Donnie Hussung, Jennie Capelle, Ross Schulz, and Brad Wiseman voted in favor. Kyle Nix was absent.